Tuesday, 5 May 2015

Cats Auditions

Cats Auditions

Singing Cats Audition 

I feel my first singing audition went okay, I was very nervous having to singing in front of a camera and as well as other members of my class and Kim. 
But as nervous as I was from watching it back it wasn't that bad. I sang in tune and the song fitted well with my voice. 
One thing I would of done differently if I was to do it again would be to do the whole song and make sure when i do the high notes and notes I struggled with i used my diadiaphragm to help support my voice.
I felt the song was a good choice for me, because it was too challenging so i was confident enough to perform it. I also think the tone of the song was just right for my voice.
If i was going for an audition the character of this song, I think I would of been considered as i think it was a good audition and i would only get better at it.

I feel my second singing audition was not as good as my first one, this maybe because I wasn't as confident singing on my own and without any backing track.
One thing I would of done differently if i was to do it again would be to find the correct backing track so i could use it, if not find a different song that maybe went with my voice and tone better. From looking back at the audition I personally felt it was not as vocal strong as my first song and didn't show of my voice as well as i would like. 
One things that I thought went well wash that remember most of my words for the song.
If I was going for a audition the character in this song, I don't I would of been considered for the job, as I think it didn't sound as good and not to a god enough standard.

Dance Cats Audition 
The choreographic devices, movements and skills I used in my final solo were repetition, fragmentation, climax, tempo and rhythm changes, structure development, different use of dynamics, confidence, performance skills, gestures, travelling phrase, rolls, leaps, pirouettes and turns.
Some of the strengths in my final solo was the lengths of dance, I made sure I had the right timing and correct time given to express myself and the dance. I found getting into the character and focus of the dance quite easy, this was because I enjoyed the music and the theme of the dance, I also found the characteristics of a being a 'Cat' quite easy to grasp. I was confident and tried to keep the excitement  and pace of dance to the max through the dance. I wanted the audience to enjoy it.
The weakness in my final solo were ...
If I was to do it again I'd make sure I'd practised my leaps more and maybe stretched before my audition, so they were higher and prettier to look at and included some kicks to get more levels and heights to the dance.

Link to Choreography Unit Blog Post on this. 

Interview with Rachel

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