Monday 12 January 2015

Dance for Camera - First Ideas

Dance for Camera

Learning Objectives:
Define the different types of camera angles and definitions.


Use different angle shots and camera styles.

Different Angles for Filming and Camera Shots

Low Angle
Wide Shot
Establishing Shot
Close - Up
Extreme Close Up
Medium Shot
High Angle Shot
Long Shot

3 professionals works;

1. "Two" 
Choreographer: Russell Maliphant 
Performed by: Sylvie Guillem - Ballerina 
Date: 2001
''Two'' explores the relationship between movement, lighting and the music. 

2. ''Rosas Danst Rosas''
Company: Rosas
Date: 1983 - 1997

''Rosas Danst Rosas'' explores

The choreography and movement was copied by Beyonce in her song "Countdown" and she also used movement from other dances Anna Teresa De Keeersmaeke choreographed. 

Video Clips on the links below:

3. ''Points of Space''
ChoreographerMerce Cunningham 
Date: 1986
''Pionts of Space'' explores the tempo. contrast between different paces of choreography and movement, low and fast.

First Ideas for Dance for Camera

Questions for Ideas for Dancer for Camera

What is your theme/stimulus? Different types of Old and New Chairs.

How will you show this through use of Actions/Dynamic/Space/Relationships?

Where will it be set? Chairs, Office, Classroom, Lounge, Car

Are there any health and safety concerns? The chairs falling over, slippery floors, doing in socks as be slippery l.

How many dancers? 2 young girls, Sophie and Lily (my sister).

Will you use any props? Yes, Chairs

What will your dancers wear? Black leggings and Black leotard, Black top.

How will you edit it? Using iMovie & My iPhone5S

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