Monday 29 September 2014

Unit 83 - Devopling Costumes Skills - Mini Project

Costume Plot

Basic no space for writing

Break down into scenes and acts 

All of the above
Break down into, head wear, foot wear, jewerrlly, ect....

Mini Costume Project



Order of how you create a COSTUME;
1. Read Script to find out the personality of the character you are going to be making the Costume for and to understand the play/text. This will also help to set the time for the Costume, character's style.
2. Find out the colour/size/shape.
3. Find out actors measurements.
4. Work out the material that will be best for the character, for example mobility/ movement of the character? sustainability? 
5. Work/find out your Costume budget and work out cost and find/compare all materials.
6. Start to research other character similar to yours.
7. Start to mind map around the Costume idea.
6. Make first drawings of Costume idea.
7. Start to add colour palettes and play around and work out what works best and fits into the play/text best.

Character: Childish King on the Throne

Mind map of discussion around our given character:

Appropriateness of costume design for children’s theatre.

The costume item we will be making is a hat.
We will make the hat appalling to children to because of the bright and bold colours, we will only use primary colours, the shapes used on the hat with be simple and rounded.

The personality of the character –reflected in the colour, size, shape, creativeness of the costume etc… What social status does your character have?

The Back Story
William Smith is a 10 year old Prince from France who's father, the King dies in a Battle unexpectedly which only leaves William to become the new air to the throne. William does not understand his responsibilities as he is too young and wants to continue having a normal childhood. His mother childhood. His mother died in childbirth so the only mother figure he has had in his life is his nanny who has brought him up from the beginning. Will likes to mess around and the idea of him becoming King does not impress him at all.

Character: Childish King on the Throne
Costume item: Hat
Ages:10years old
Name: William Smith
Gender: Male
From: France

Actor’s measurements

I will need to measure the head of the actor who is going to play the pact of William the King of France.
Measuring the head of the actor will allow me to know how big or small the hat will need to be, what shape the hate will need to be and how the hat will fit on the head of the actor.

Head Width:
Hat Height:

The physical movements of the character and therefore the impact on the costume

Suitable materials/fabric for the type and style of costume

What period is your story set?

 Week 1 - 15th September 2014 
What is Costume?

This is the mind map i made by myself at the beginning of the lesson;

This is the mind map we made as a group when asked to talk and think about "What is Costume" in more detail;

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