Monday 11 May 2015

Dance for Camera - Points of Development

Points of Development

What I need to do next?

  • Choreography

I need to continue with the choreography and move it away from Rosa, I will add in more choreography into the video. I will you use Sophie and Cherkanah to do this. I will do this in class today and filmed the choreography on my phone. I will have upload and edit the footage, hopefully I will then have finished my Dance for Camera video.

  • Physical Settings
I will continue to make sure that the costume stay in the theme when creating more of my choreography today,  I have made sure Sophie is in the right costume to go with my theme and is similar to what she was wearing in the all my other footage for the video.
I will also need to make sure that the setting and background continues to fit in with the flow and theme of my video, Hopefully I will have a space in the dance studio to do this, if not somewhere with a plain background or wall.

The image below is show the peer feedback i got from discussing what i need to do next in class. This helped me to understand how clearing i discus things to class and also help me understand what also i might need to do next. 

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