Friday 15 May 2015

Cats - What do you want to achieve?

What do you want to achieve from your characters in the shows?

I want to achieve the characteristics of my character, Old Deuteronomy in the shows. My character is the leader and head of Deuteronomy Designs. 
To do this I would need to show; respect from other characters in the show, being high up in status, origination skills and decision making and finally show that my character has past career in the fashions industry and knows what she's on about.

Vocals & Movement
I would like to achieve confidence and belief when delivering and performing my solo lines. I also would like to make sure I perform the movement and dance to the best of my ability and don't get embarrassed  when doing this.

How did you show that to the audience?

Position on stage - Most of the performance I was placed in the 'Office' which was a set of staging blocks, this was a raised level and higher than most of the other set. This showed that i was superior and more worthy other character, Which was what i wanted to achieve and show the audience.  

Movement on stage - My movement had to be slow and confident, I did this to show more authority, along with looking down from the office at other characters throughout the show, holding my head high, placing my nose up and coming across as a little stricter and scarier than any other character. 

Reactions on stage - I tried to make sure my reactions from other characters were clear and show who I liked and didn't or what i liked and didn't. I was to people respect me and know that me opinions were important. I interacted with Sophie a lot along side with Josh too, both their character being higher up in the company too.

Gesture - I used a lot of hand movements as certain gesture related to me, For example, constantly writing in books, brochures and signing documents, These movement all done in the office of course! 

Props - I had a lot of props in the performances, these helped to show more of my character and help the audience understand the storyline even more. For example; a laptop, a cup coffee, mags, papers, note books, pens and of course the envelope revelling who the will be the new face of the Heavisidelayer .

Eye contact - Eye contact was a key skill to have when playing my character, for example the eye contact made behind myself and Sophie when Grizabella was singing and communicating with other characters played by Cherkanah and Ellie, were looks that something need to happen to make the situation stop. The eye contact showed that myself and Sophie were not happy with what was going on.

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